Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain: Ch2 Neurons and Glia
- There are two main types of
brain cells; neurons and glia. The ratio of these cells are about 1:10.
- Neurons sense changes in
the environment, communicate these changes to other neurons, and command
the body's responses to these changes.
- Glial cells contribute to
the brain function mainly by insulating, supporting, and nourishing
neighboring neurons.
- The ability to examine the
cells of the brain depended on the use of formaldehyde to fix the cells
in place without distorting the structure, and the development of the
microtome to slice the brain thin enough for it to be studied under a
microscope. Stains, like the Nissl (crystal violet) and the Golgi stain,
allowed us to study cells.
- The Nissl stain stains the
nuclei of the cells as well as the clumps of material surrounding the
nuclei (Nissl bodies). This stain allows us to distinguish between glial
cells and neurons, as only the nuclei of the neurons will be stained. It
also gives us the ability to study the arrangement of the cells
(cytoarchitecture) in different parts of the brain.
- The study of
cytoarchitecture led to the discovery that the brain is made up of many
specialized regions.
- The Golgi stain is done by
soaking the brain tissue is a silver chromate solution, which will stain
a small amount of the neurons in their entirety showing that the neuron
is made up a central cell area (soma) and a neurites (axons, and
- Cajal used the Golgi stain
to work out the circuitry of many regions of the brain and proposed that
the neurites of different cells are fused together to form a continuous
network, and that the brain is a continuation of cell theory ( the
individual cell is the elementary functional unit of all animal tissue).
- Neuron doctrine is the idea
that neurons adhere to the cell theory.

- This is the
body of the neuron, measuring about 20 nanometers in diameter, and
filled with a watery fluid called cytosol, which is a salty potassium
rich solution that is separated from the outside by the neuronal
membrane. Within the cytosol, there are several organelles.
- Contains all the
organelles that a normal cell would have.
- this serves as a 5nm barrier to enclose the cytoplasm
inside the neuron and to exclude certain substances that float in the
fluid. It is studded with proteins and protein pumps that have the
ability to regulate what can enter and leave the cell. The composition
of the proteins depends on whether it is a soma, dendrite, or the axon.
- this is the internal
structuring of the cell and is composed of microtubules, microfilaments,
and neurofilaments.
- Microtubules- about 20 nm in diameter and run
longitudinally down neurites. It consists of a hollow tube that is
composed of smaller strands made of tubulin that are braided like a
rope around the center. These can be regulated by the cell using
proteins like Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) which help anchor
the microtubules to one another and to other parts of the neuron.
Changes in the axonal MAPs (tau) are associated with the dementia in
- Microfilaments- only 5nm in diameter and are particularly
numerous in the neurites and are composed of two thin braided strands
of the polymers of the protein actin. These are closely associated with
the membrane and form a spider web like mesh of support for the cell.
- Neurofilaments- about 10 nm in diameter and exist in all
cells of the body as intermediate filaments, and are organized like
sausage links.

- these are found only in
neurons and are specialized for the transfer of information over
distances in the nervous system.
- No rough ER extends into
the axon, and there are few , if any, free ribosomes. And the protein
composition of the axon membrane is different from the soma membrane.
- These different proteins
mean that there is no protein synthesis and allows it to send
information over long distances.
- The axon begins with the
axon hillock, which tapers to form the initial segment of the axon.
- Axon collaterals- this is
where the axon branches out, and will occasionally return to
communicate with the same cell (recurrent collaterals).
- Axon proper- the middle
part of the axon
- Axon terminal- also called
the terminal bouton, and is where the axon comes into contact with
other neurons or cells to pass information on to them through a point
called a synapse.
- The cytoplasm of the axon
terminal differs from the axon in several ways
- The microtubules do no
extend into the terminal.
- The terminal contains
synaptic vesicles.
- The inside surface of the
membrane that faces the synapse has a particularly dense covering of
- It has mitochondria,
indicating a high energy demand.

- The synapse is composed of
two sides, the presynaptic and postsynaptic. These indicate the
direction of information flow. The presynaptic side tends to consist of
an axon terminal, and the postsynaptic side may be a dendrite or a soma,
with a space referred to as the synaptic cleft in between.
- At most of the synapses
the electrical signal is changed into a chemical signals, called
neurotransmitters, that can cross the synaptic cleft. This transmitter
is stored in and released from the synaptic vesicles in the terminal.
- Axoplasmic transport- this is the movement of materials from the soma down
the axon to the terminal by being connected to microtubule
"tracks" by Kinesin. This transport is powered by ATP.
- The transport in the
direction of soma to bouton is referred to as anterograde transport,
and any transportation in the opposite direction would be referred to
as retrograde transport (this uses dynein instead of kinesin).
- Dendrites function as
antennas for the neuron, collectively forming the dendritic tree, and
are covered in specialized protein molecules called receptors that can
detect the neurotransmitters in the synaptic clef.
- Some dendrites are covered
in dendritic spines, a specialized structure that receive some types of
synaptic inputs. They are believed to isolate various chemical
reactions that are triggered in some synaptic activation, and is
sensitive to the type and amount of synaptic activity.

- Unipolar-
has only a single neurite.
- Bipolar-
if there are two neurites.
- Multipolar-
if there are three or more neurites. Most cells in the brain fall under
this category.
- There are many different
types of neurons based on dendrites, many specific to certain areas of
the brain, but we will focus on only the main classes.
- Stellate cells- more star shaped dendritic trees.
- Pyramidal cells - pyramid shaped trees.
- These can then further be
classified as either spiny or aspinous.
- Primary sensory neurons- are neurons that have neurites in the sensory
surfaces of the body, like the skin or other sensory organs.
- Motor neurons - are neurons that have axons that form synapses with the
muscles and command movements.
- Interneurons- only form connections with other neurons. This is the most
common of this category.
- Golgi type I - neurons that have axons that extend from one side of the
brain to the other.
- Golgi type II - these only have axons that are short and tend to not extend
past the vicinity of the soma.
- A way to chemically
classify neurons by the neurotransmitter that they use. These
collections of cells that use the same neurotransmitter makeup the
brain's neurotransmitter systems.

- The purpose of these glial
cells is to fill the space in between neurons, they may influence
whether a neurite can grow or retract, and help to regulate the chemical
content of the extracellular space.
Not only do these have the ability to uptake extra
neurotransmitters from the synaptic clef, but they also have the ability
to respond to these chemicals and can trigger electrical and biochemical
events in the glial cells.
- Oligodendroglia and Schwann
cells, are another type of glial cell that are responsible for forming
the myelin sheath that helps promote the electrical charge that is
passing though the axon of the neurons.
- The Oligodendroglia cells form the myelin sheath in only the central nervous
- Schwann cells form the sheath for the peripheral nervous system. (outside
the skull and vertebral column)
- The openings in between
the segments of the myelin sheath are called the nodes of Ranvier.
- Ependymal cells- these provide the lining of the ventricles with in the brain,
as well as helping to direct cell migration during brain development.
- Microglia
- these function as phagocytes in the brain, removing debris left by
dead or degenerating neurons and glial cells.
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